Green Pistachio:
The green color of a pistachio comes from the chlorophyll that contains in it. The color of a pistachio is unique among other nuts and seeds for this feature. It has been scientifically proven that eating foods with high color intensity (rich in chlorophyll) like pistachios, has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also one of the few foods that contain high amounts of magnesium, which has a calming effect on the body. High levels of magnesium are beneficial for overall health.
Salted Cashew Nuts:
Salted cashew nuts are handpicked, doubly sorted whole cashews that have been roasted with crackling black pepper and salt. These nuts have a buttery, nutty flavor and are rich in vitamin E, protein, magnesium and monounsaturated fat. They are a great snack for any occasion. They are also a healthy addition to any meal plan. You can eat them plain or add them to smoothies or baked goods for a boost of nutrition. You can also try eating these nuts with a snack bar or trail mix to boost your nutrition.
Health Benefits:
- Improve your health by promoting weight loss.
- Controls Blood sugar.
- Improve heart health.
- Prevents cell damage.
- Protects eye damage.
- Protect against cancer.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Promote sexual vitality in men.
Green Pistachio: Carbohydrate, Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Magnesium.
Salted cashew:Magnesium,Manganese,Zinc,VItaminB6,Vitamin K.
Is Salted cashew good for weight loss?
A small serving of cashews has about 13 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, and about 4 grams of fat. In fact, cashews have about the same amount of fat as a small English muffin. However, most cashew nuts are higher in carbohydrates. Consuming carbohydrates in moderation can help reduce your overall weight. Cashews are also one of the best sources of manganese, a mineral that can help you lose weight.
Can you salt your own cashews?
Boil water and put nuts in it. The steam will coat the nuts with a layer of sticky water. Sprinkle them with salt, shake the machine so all nuts are evenly coated, and enjoy.
Can you eat raw pistachios?
Raw Pistachios are one of the few foods that will actually boost your metabolism. Eating a handful of raw pistachios every day will help your body process food faster and burn more calories throughout the day.This type Pistachios are high in fiber, vitamin A, C, and K, and a small serving contains about 5 calories. They’re also loaded with potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
How many Pistachios can we eat a day?
A tiny amount (1.5 ounces) is a good target for each day.
Are cashew and pista are in the same family?
Cashew nut, pistachio nut belong to the Anacardiaceae family - a botanical family that includes some of the world's most popular nuts.