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Cold-Pressed Kashmiri Walnut Oil (Uses and Benefits)

by Admin 23 Nov 2021

Cold-Pressed Kashmiri Walnut Oil (Uses and Benefits)

Cold-Pressed Kashmiri Walnut Oil

Walnut is native to the Mediterranean region. Used widely in Baking or as snacks, Indians see more use to it. Chutneys, one of the most consumed sauces in the Indian Subcontinent is our very favorite and well there is walnut oil as well. 

Mostly used in Salads, Walnut Oil is expensive. At least, more expensive than other oils. This is the reason why it is used less than other oils- Only Until you know the benefits Walnut Oils serve. When you hear the term walnut oil, you will further read the term “pressed” with it as well.

Well, that is the scene. Walnut oil is obtained by pressing whole walnuts. Walnut Oils are rich in Polyphenols and unsaturated fatty acids. These two compounds solely are responsible for so many benefits walnut oils serve. 

Walnut Oil is Light yellow, nutty flavor and scent. Heating walnut oil at higher temperatures adds bitterness to it and decreases the taste. Using the cold-press technique Kashmir Online Store extracts its walnut oil. If you are wondering what cold pressing is, let me make that known to you. 

Cold-Press Technique uses a modern steel press to extract oils from the fruits. The oilseeds aren’t precooked as no heat is available other than what is generated through friction.

Oils that are obtained using this technique have their flavors, nutrition and everything they have to offer intact. Thus, even though the fruit may be in its oil form now, the benefits it could provide remain unaltered. Moreover, Cold-Pressed walnut oil remains walnut free as it is merely the extraction from the nut. No processing is required that alters the composition in any way. No chemicals or preservatives are added and it is completely organic. 


Walnut Oil Benefits 

With the walnut taste intact, the nutty flavoring oil serves many benefits. Benefits that walnuts serve as a nut are served by the oil as well. Some of the benefits of walnut oils are:

Walnut Oil is rich in Omega-3. This is beneficial in many ways. To count a few, Omega-3 from Walnut Oils are beneficial for beautifying skin. They help in treating depression, boosting and enhancing mental health. Omega-3 betters overall cardiovascular health. Decrease the Symptoms of metabolic syndrome and Reduce liver fats.
Walnut Oil decreases inflammation. This is beneficial in memory retention. Chronic inflammation that causes severe damage to the heart, are fought with.
Walnut oil is cholesterol-free and further reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Reducing Blood Cholesterol Levels means improved blood vessel functioning. This in turn reduces blood pressure levels.
Walnut oil is beneficial to Type-2 Diabetics. As Blood Pressure levels are somehow associated with blood sugar levels, there is a high chance for a hypertension patient being hyperglycemic. Reduction in means the reduction in others. 

Walnut Oil Online

Best Walnut Oil Uses

Walnut oil can be used just as we use olive oil- that is as a topping to salads etc. It can be further used in many recipes and even one can apply it on the skin to massage and the hair as well. Each way it has its benefits to provide. 

Walnut oil is used as a flavoring agent in roasted fishes and meat. It is used on steaks post roasting those or grilling. It can be tossed on Pasta or even on desserts.

Walnut Oils make it to garnishing and being tossed over on to salads, Fruit as well as veggies.

Walnut Oil For Hair 

Being rich in Omega-3 Fatty acids walnut oil is known to prevent allergies and scalp infections, scalp damage, dandruff and promote growth. Walnut oil strengthens the hair roots and makes the hair thick. Walnut oil further adds shine to the hair and prevents hair splits.

You should use this oil thrice a week and wash the hair the next day. Being Sulphur free, no damage or side-effects are caused as no chemicals are involved in the oil extraction process and no preservatives are involved for the storage purpose.    

Walnut Oil For Hair

Best Walnut Oil for Skin 

Applying Walnut Oils to the skin do wonder. The presence of antioxidants in Walnuts make the skin younger and delay the signs of aging. For better-looking smooth skin, wrinkle-free, one should start applying walnut oil in their late 20’s.    

Applying walnut oil on the face can help to treat skin conditions like psoriasis. Walnut oil reduces skin inflammations and helps in cleaning up the skin pores. It is very beneficial for skin to massage with walnut oil. This practice increases the nutrient retention, nourishment and moisturizing of the skin. 

Since walnut oil is rich in antioxidants like its nut, the free radicals are killed and skin is secured from cancers even. 

Walnut Oil is Beneficial for Eyes as Well. Walnut Oil is Known to reduce the dark circles around the eyes and reduce the puffiness. It restores the Natural Glow of the skin and makes it brighter.  

Walnut Oil For Skin

Best Walnut Oil For Acne 

Walnut Oil is good for Acne-prone skins. Walnuts fight acne problems from their roots- the skin pores. Walnut Oils help in cleaning skin pores and then aid in nutrient retention and overall skin nourishment.

One of the causes of Acne is low levels of antioxidants. Thus, the remedy is walnut oil. Walnut is extremely rich in antioxidants. Then the anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory actions of the walnut oil further reduce the chances of developing Acne.    

However, People with Oily skin should consider the balanced intake or application of walnut oil.   

Walnut Oil Benefits For Brains 

Walnut Oil consumed by a lady expecting a child is very much beneficial for the growth and proper development of the baby. Consuming Walnut Oil in this stage are known to prevent the fetus from brain damage. 

It is also known to enhance memory retention power and reduce brain inflammations. Walnut is known to cure Alzheimer’s.  

Walnut Oil Dosage

The Recommended Dosage of Walnut Oil each day is 1-2 teaspoons added as a topping to get the required benefits. Everything Should be consumed within the limits. Beyond Limits, anything can cause harms. 

Walnut Oil increases the body heat and causes blistering of the tongue if consumed out of bounds.

Walnut Oil Price Difference 

Walnut Oil is a cold-pressed oil. So it is pricey. Even a 100 Milliliter of oil costs nearly 400 bucks. We at Kashmir Online Store provide 100 ML of cold-pressed Kashmiri Walnut oil just for 350 Rupees. The packaging is Leak-free in a plastic bottle. The pricing is genuine and this Kashmiri Walnut Oil is Edible, yet one can apply it on hair and skin as well.

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