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Figs ( Anjeer)

Why Dried Figs Are Superfood During Pregnancy

by Admin 30 Mar 2023

Dried Figs During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. From morning sickness to cravings and all the changes that come with it, many women look for ways to make the process easier and healthier. One way to do this is through incorporating dried figs into your diet. This article will explore the benefits of eating dried figs during pregnancy and how they can help ensure a healthy mom and baby.

When pregnant, getting the right nutrition is important to support both mom and baby. Eating dried figs is a great way to do this, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing numerous health benefits for both mother and child. Dried figs are especially high in calcium, essential for developing bones, muscles, teeth and organs of a growing fetus.

In addition to providing nutritional benefits during pregnancy, eating dried figs has been shown to improve blood sugar control and reduce constipation, which is common among pregnant women due to hormonal changes. By adding dried figs into your diet, you can ensure you're getting all of the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy while avoiding some of the more unpleasant side effects.

fresh figs during pregnancy

Is It Safe To Eat Figs During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for expectant mothers and their families. But, with all the changes happening in a woman's body, it can also be stressful. One of the most common questions pregnant women ask is whether it's safe to eat figs during pregnancy. The answer is yes – eating figs during pregnancy is generally considered safe and healthy.

Figs are a nutrient-dense food that can provide many health benefits during pregnancy. They contain important vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc, which are necessary for the baby's development. Eating various fruits like figs also helps meet the increased calorie needs of pregnant women.

Figs have a high fiber content which can help keep mom regular while preventing constipation – a common problem during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Eating figs may also help reduce morning sickness symptoms such as nausea. Additionally, they provide antioxidants that may help protect against certain diseases like diabetes and cancer later in life for both mother and baby.

How Many Figs Can You Consume Per Day During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women can safely consume figs daily in moderate amounts. Figs are a great source of nutrition and provide many health benefits. To ensure optimal health, pregnant women should not exceed one to two servings daily.

Each serving size is about one or three figs, depending on the fruit size. Eating too many figs could cause bloating, gas, and discomfort due to their high fiber content. Additionally, pregnant women should be aware that some figs may contain higher levels of pesticide residue than others and should only buy organic varieties when available.

Pregnant women should also be mindful of how much sugar they consume from fruits like figs, as too much sugar can disrupt blood sugar levels. Consuming one to two servings per day is recommended for overall well-being during pregnancy.

Benefits Of Eating Dried Fig During Pregnancy

best time to eat dry fruits during pregnancy

Eating dried figs during pregnancy has many benefits for the mother and the developing baby. It is a nutrient-rich fruit that can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to support the health of both mother and baby. The fiber content of figs can also help with digestion, which is important during pregnancy to ensure that all nutrients are absorbed properly.

Eating figs during pregnancy can be an excellent source of key nutrients for both mom and baby that contribute to overall health and well-being throughout the pregnancy journey. Some of the benefits of consuming dried figs during pregnancy are given below:

Helps Strengthen The Bones

Dried figs are an excellent source of calcium, essential for developing strong bones during pregnancy. Calcium helps the body break down and absorb other minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron. It also helps to prevent bone loss during pregnancy. In addition to providing calcium, dried figs contain several other nutrients that help keep bones strong. For example, they are rich in vitamin K, which is important for increasing bone density. They also contain magnesium necessary for proper muscle functioning and can help reduce joint pain.

Eating dried figs regularly throughout pregnancy can help ensure pregnant women get enough calcium and other important minerals to strengthen their bones. This can be especially beneficial if they are not getting enough from their regular diet or have osteoporosis or other conditions that make it difficult to absorb calcium from food sources. Regular consumption of dried figs can also reduce the risk of developing postpartum osteoporosis by helping the body retain more calcium during pregnancy.

In addition to providing essential nutrients for healthy bones, consuming dried figs during pregnancy has many other benefits. It can increase energy levels, improve digestion and provide significant amounts of dietary fiber, which can help reduce constipation often seen in pregnant women. Dried figs are also a good source of antioxidants that may improve heart health and protect against cancer. Consuming them regularly throughout pregnancy provides many long-term health benefits for both mother and baby.

May Help In the Brain Development Of The Fetus

Moreover, dried figs are packed with essential nutrients that can help in the development of the brains of a fetus. It is rich in Vitamin B6, which is important for producing neurotransmitters and other hormones in the brain. It also contains iron, copper, zinc and folic acid, vital for the healthy development of the fetus' neural system. Additionally, it has dietary fiber that enables proper digestion, thus helping to absorb all these important nutrients.

Another interesting benefit of consuming dried figs during pregnancy is their high content of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids play an integral role in brain development and cognitive functioning. They also aid in the growth and maintenance of cells in the brain. Moreover, they help to improve memory and cognitive skills even after birth.

Overall, consuming dried figs during pregnancy can positively affect the baby's brain development. Not only does it provide essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper neural growth, but it also helps to increase cognitive performance by providing essential fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids. This makes dried figs an ideal snack for any pregnant woman who wants to give her baby a healthy start in life.

May Help Keep Your Cravings In Control

Craving certain foods is a common experience for many pregnant women. Dehydrated figs can help control these cravings, as they have a natural sweetness and can help satisfy one's sweet tooth. Additionally, their fiber content helps keep one feeling full for longer periods. The high levels of calcium and iron in figs are also beneficial during pregnancy; calcium helps form strong bones and teeth, while iron helps prevent anemia. Moreover, the potassium found in figs can help regulate blood pressure, which is often elevated during pregnancy.

In addition to helping with cravings, figs are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6, which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, which tend to increase during pregnancy. Figs also contain antioxidants that may help protect against illnesses such as colds and infections. Lastly, due to their high water content, consuming figs regularly can help keep one hydrated throughout the day, which is important for overall health and well-being during pregnancy.

By adding dry figs into your diet during pregnancy, you can enjoy all the benefits they offer without worrying about any potential adverse effects on your baby's health or development. Regularly consuming figs allows you to enjoy a happy, healthy pregnancy with fewer cravings and more energy!

May Lower The Risk Of Anemia

Additionally, dried figs may help to lower the risk of anemia during pregnancy. Iron is an essential mineral for pregnant women. Low iron levels can lead to anemia, causing tiredness and fatigue. Dried figs are high in iron and other minerals such as zinc and copper, which are also important for a healthy pregnancy. Eating dried figs regularly can ensure that pregnant women get enough of these vital nutrients from their diet.


May Improve Digestion

Figs are a great source of fiber, which can help pregnant women improve their digestion. Fiber helps to regulate the bowels and keep them moving regularly, which is important for pregnant women who may be experiencing constipation. Figs are also rich in prebiotics, which help the body absorb nutrients more efficiently and can promote good gut health. These prebiotics also nourish the beneficial bacteria that live in our guts and help break down food more effectively.

Eating figs during pregnancy can also reduce bloating and gas. The high fiber content of figs helps to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract so that it functions more efficiently. Additionally, eating figs may reduce feelings of heartburn or acid reflux, as they have an alkalizing effect on the body. This is because they contain natural compounds that neutralize stomach acids, thus reducing digestive discomfort.

Figs are nutrient-dense fruits that offer pregnant women many benefits related to digestion. Not only do they provide dietary fiber and prebiotics which help regulate bowel movements and improve gut health, but they also reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and can even neutralize stomach acids to reduce heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. For these reasons, incorporating figs into your diet during pregnancy is highly recommended for optimal digestion.

It may Provide Relief From Morning Sickness

Dried figs are a great source of relief from morning sickness during pregnancy. As they're naturally sweet and chewy, they can provide an instant burst of energy that can help relieve nausea. The dietary fiber content in dried figs is also beneficial for pregnant women, as it helps to regulate digestion and prevent constipation.

Dried figs are a healthy snack choice for pregnant women; they're nutritious and provide relief from morning sickness and other associated symptoms. They're easy to carry around, so you won't need to worry about feeling sick or tired when you're out and about. Eating a few dried figs daily throughout your pregnancy can help promote overall well-being for you and your baby.

How To Eat Figs During Pregnancy

how to eat dry figs during pregnancy

You can include figs in your diet in one or more of the following ways given below:

Fresh figs: can be eaten as-is or sliced and added to salads, oatmeal, yogurt, or cereal. They are also great grilled or roasted with olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt.

Dried figs: can be enjoyed as-is as a quick snack or chopped up and added to baked goods like muffins or cookies for extra sweetness.


Add 1 fresh fig to the blender with 2 cups of milk.

Add a bit of vanilla extract.

Blend all the ingredients. You will have a fig milkshake ready in a matter of minutes.

It's best to include figs in your diet if you don't like eating raw figs.

Fig Smoothie: 

Add ½ banana and 1-2 figs to the blender with a cup of yoghurt and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Blend, and add more milk if you prefer a thinner consistency. This is a power-packed recipe that can be included in your breakfast menu.


I'm sure that many pregnant mothers out there are now considering adding figs to their diets. Eating figs during pregnancy can provide numerous health benefits to the mother and baby. The calcium content in figs helps strengthen bones, while its iron content helps prevent anemia. Additionally, the fiber found in figs may help digestion and even morning sickness.

For expecting mothers who want to make sure they get the most out of eating figs while pregnant, it's important to consider how many you consume daily. While it's safe to include a few servings into your diet, eating too much may not benefit your body or your baby's development.

Overall, incorporating figs into a healthy pregnancy diet can be a great way for moms-to-be to get the nutrients they need. Figs provide a range of essential vitamins and minerals for optimal fetal growth and development during pregnancy. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes; however, if approved, adding this delicious fruit can be a great way for pregnant women to stay healthy!


Can you eat dried figs when pregnant?

Snacks are mixed into salads, blended in smoothies, or used as a sweetener. Dried figs are convenient pregnancy superfoods that are hardy and versatile to enjoy everywhere.

Which dry fruit is best in pregnancy?

Cashew nuts, almonds, apricots, prunes, raisins, dates, walnuts, and pistachios are some dry fruits and nuts that are good for pregnant women. Since dry fruits are nutritious, you should include the recommended quantity in your diet daily.

How many dry figs should I eat a day during pregnancy?

Figs contain a good amount of calcium, iron, potassium, copper and magnesium. Moreover, eating figs during pregnancy helps to reduce constipation owing to the high amount of fiber. Pregnant women can have one to three figs as a snack.

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